Did You Make Money with Cryptocurrency? How to Get Right with the IRS

For early adopters of Bitcoin, Ethereum and other popular cryptocurrencies, the profit potential has been simply stunning. While there have been some heart stopping moments and frightening ups and downs, the clear long-term trajectory has been upward.

If you are one of those early adopters who profited from the rise in cryptocurrency values, you are probably feeling pretty good about your decision. But your good fortune could soon take a dark turn, one that could leave you in hot water with the IRS.

After many years of taking a hands off approach to cryptocurrency investments, the IRS is now making up for lost time. At first, the tax agency seemed unsure how to calculate virtual profits or tax cryptocurrency gains, but now the rules are largely in place, and it is time for those who profited to pay up.

There has already been some movement on the cryptocurrency taxation front, and it is only a matter of time before the IRS takes notice of your holdings - and your profits. The tax agency has recently obtained data from major cryptocurrency exchanges, and letters are going out to large holders of these virtual currencies. But you should not simply wait for the IRS to contact you. The best approach is to do your homework now and make your plans for paying what you owe. Here are some simple tips to help you get right with the IRS.

Note: If you already have tax troubles or owe more than $10k to the IRS or state but can’t pay in full, contact our firm today. We help people find tax relief, file years of unfiled tax returns, and sometimes settle their tax debt for a fraction of what’s owed.

Learn the Rules

There has been a lot of confusion over how cryptocurrencies were to be taxed, and the IRS itself has issued a number of different rulings in that regard. With so much conflicting information, it is no wonder so many cryptocurrency investors chose to avoid the whole thing.

Studies suggest that only a small percentage of cryptocurrency investors have reported their holdings to the IRS. Some holders of cryptocurrency did not believe they were required to report their investments, while others assumed their transactions were anonymous. Now that the IRS has proven that neither contention is correct, it is time to learn the rules and follow the reporting requirements.

The IRS may have been slow to categorize cryptocurrencies, but the tax agency now has firm rules in place. If you hold cryptocurrency or have profited in the past, now is the time to learn the rules. Whether you do your own homework or seek out expert advice, the more you know the better off you will be.

Estimate Your Gains

Once you know the rules, the next step is to estimate your potential gains. The rules governing cryptocurrency profits are complex, but you should still be able to estimate the possible tax hit.

It may take some time to reconstruct the purchases and sales you made along the way, so take your time and gather as much information as you can. If you are missing some information, you may be able to find what you need through your favorite cryptocurrency exchange. Many major exchanges keep detailed records of purchases, sales and other cryptocurrency transactions. Once you know how much you made on those cryptocurrency transactions, you can work to calculate the taxes you might owe.

Work with a Cryptocurrency Tax Relief Expert

Tax calculations are not for the faint of heart, and it is easy to make a mistake. If you want to avoid problems with the IRS and head off any penalties and interest, you will need expert help and guidance.

The cryptocurrency market is still relatively new, and the current IRS tax treatment of these virtual assets is even newer. Even so, some tax experts have already started to specialize in these alternative investments, and seeking their expertise could help you pay what you owe while avoiding penalties and interest.

If you already have a tax preparer, start by asking about their experience with cryptocurrency investments. If your current tax advisor is not a cryptocurrency expert, it is time to shop around for someone who understands these unique assets and how they are taxed. It may take some time, but it is important to find an expert you can trust.

The IRS may have ignored the early days of the cryptocurrency revolution, but the tax agency is making up for lost time. Some early adopters have already received notices from the IRS, while others are scrambling to calculate their profits and pay what they owe. The tips listed above can help you develop a payment plan, so you can get right with the IRS before it is too late.


Our firm specializes in tax problem resolution. We serve clients virtually so don’t hesitate to reach out. If you want an expert tax resolution specialist who knows how to navigate the IRS maze, reach out to our firm and we’ll schedule a no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options to permanently resolve your tax problem.


Bankruptcy FAQ for Individuals

Filing for bankruptcy is a difficult and draining process. People often feel ashamed, scared, or confused. If you find yourself with no other options, bankruptcy can be a good way to clear out old debts, change financial patterns, and most importantly get a fresh start. Here is everything you need to know about filing for bankruptcy.

Note: Depending on what type of taxes you owe, you might not be able to wipe out your back taxes in bankruptcy proceedings. Our firm specializes in tax resolution and back tax debt settlements with the IRS. So if you’re considering bankruptcy in part because of your back tax burdens, reach out to us today for more information on how you can get tax relief.

Who Should File for Bankruptcy?

If you owe money to a creditor and cannot repay it, you can file for bankruptcy. Businesses and individuals are eligible; however there are caveats. If you have filed for bankruptcy once before, there is a waiting period before you may file again. After filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you cannot claim bankruptcy again for eight years. After filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you must delay a second claim for at least two years.

What Types of Debt Can I Discharge Through Bankruptcy?

You can discharge most types of debt through bankruptcy, including medical debt, credit card debt, payday loans, and mortgage debt.

Certain types of debt cannot be discharged through bankruptcy, meaning that you will still need to repay these debts even if everything else is forgiven. Debts that cannot be wiped out in bankruptcy include spousal support, child support, student loans, and back taxes in most cases.

Any debt you take on after you've filed for bankruptcy is ineligible to be discharged through the filing, since you did not have the debt when you asked for debt relief.

Why is Filing Bankruptcy Helpful?

When you can't keep up with the bills, you're under a high level of stress. Bankruptcy is never a first option for people; many have tried things like getting extra jobs, selling unwanted possessions, or asking family members for loans before arriving at bankruptcy as their best option for debt relief.

By wiping out debts, bankruptcy reduces stress immediately. Collectors are not allowed to come after individuals who are going through bankruptcy, so threatening phone calls and letters will end immediately.

A Chapter 13 bankruptcy can promote good financial habits, because in this form of bankruptcy, some amount of debt is repaid under a plan. By helping to increase financial literacy and instilling good financial habits, this partial repayment can keep people in the black once debts are discharged.

The biggest downside to filing for bankruptcy is that it impacts your credit, so you may find it difficult to take out loans for up to ten years after the bankruptcy. Your credit score also impacts things like the interest rate offered on loans and your ability to pass a tenant screening, so there are other ramifications to consider.

If you're not sure whether a certain debt will be forgiven or which type of bankruptcy is right for you, there are resources to help you explore your options, such as credit counselors. If you are thinking of filing for bankruptcy, it's helpful to get a counselor's opinion on your specific circumstances and what to expect after filing.

If you have back tax debt, we highly recommend readers to reach out to our firm first. Our clients never have to talk to the IRS, and tax resolution through our firm can save you money and time in the long run. You might also be eligible for other IRS relief programs or get your penalties reduced or removed. Reach out to our firm today for a consultation.

What is a Levy? IRS and Other Asset Levies Explained

Falling behind on your debts is never a fun place to be. It’s less fun when a levy is placed on your assets. In this article, we take a look at what an IRS levy is, why it happens, and what you can do about it.

Note: If you have any tax trouble or owe more than $10k to the IRS or state but can’t pay in full, contact our firm today. We help people find tax relief. Often, we can resolve your IRS levy without you having to talk to the IRS. Call today.

What is an IRS Levy?

Simply put, if you owe back taxes and you ignore the IRS, the IRS can seize your property, take money from your bank accounts, or sell your assets in order to satisfy the balance due.

The IRS will give you plenty of notices via mail before they take this step. If you do not satisfy the debt or make payment arrangements by the specified date, the IRS will attempt to take the amount of the levy directly out of your bank account.

Other Types of Levies

Private creditors may issue a levy against your bank account with a court order. Court orders are not required for levies by government agencies. The creditor must notify you of the upcoming levy at least 21 days before removing any funds from your account. You may not withdraw money or close the account during this waiting period.

Funds earned from child support, social security, unemployment, workers' compensation settlements and certain other types of government agency payments are exempt from levy. You must request the exemption and offer proof of the source of the funds.

Wage Garnishments

Government agencies may also garnish an employee's wages for back taxes, child support and other delinquent payments required by law.

The IRS has the authority to levy up to 85 percent of the employee's paycheck. The levy notice will be sent to your company's payroll or human resources department. You must then withhold the appropriate amount of money from the employee's paycheck and send it to the IRS or state tax board. The employee must provide a wage garnishment release if he is able to work out a payment arrangement.

If you are behind on your taxes, the IRS may levy most payments from federal agencies. This includes railroad retirement benefits, Medicare supplier and provider payments, payments on contracts between your company and a government agency, federal retirement annuities and travel reimbursements.

You may apply for a hardship exemption if the levy will cause your company undue financial distress. Companies going through bankruptcy proceedings are automatically exempt from IRS levies.

Seizing Your Assets

The IRS may also seize your real estate and personal property such as a car or boat. You will receive a 30-day notice indicating that seizures will follow if you do not pay your outstanding taxes or contact the IRS to make payment arrangements. This authority also extends to property and money you own that are being held by another party, such as life insurance cash value. The government sells its seized property at auction to recover some of the funds owed by delinquent taxpayers.

What To Do If You Have An IRS Levy

Back taxes don’t just disappear if you ignore them long enough. Putting your head in the sand will cause the problem to get worse.

If you have back tax debt, we highly recommend you reach out to our firm first. Our clients never have to talk to the IRS, and tax resolution through our firm can save you money and time in the long run. You might also be eligible for other IRS relief programs or get your penalties reduced or removed. Reach out to our firm today for a consultation.